Art by Dakota
Also I guess this is going to be a slight history of my boys lmao

Where it all began, the Version 1 models. Also these are meant to be more N64 styled, so that's why they look like that. Also Phil looked very different back then.

Some more characters I commissioned. I was originally going to make like a web series with them called "Roomates" But I was somewhat new to Blender and that idea is well dead now. The premise was that they all lived under one roof, shenanigans ensue. Although I am probably going to revive some of these character ideas so I guess look out for that lmao.

Ah yes, the Version 2 models. Or that's what I refer to them as. The first high-poly models of the two that I got. All that's really different is that they have more polygons. What more do you need to know lol? (Also Marsh's eyes were changed to be spheres moved by a bone rather then a texture with a whole lotta drivers.)

The Version 3's. Only really notable thing about these is that Marsh's hair is more detailed and Phil's hoodie is a lot bulkier and their body types were slightly tweaked. Other then that the boys are still the boys lol.

Version 3.2 didn't really have any other changes then changing Phil's hoodie and hat color to be Lime instead of Magenta in order to keep a more consistent color pallete throughout the character.

The Version 4 models. Heavy overhauls were done on these, such as Marsh's hair being different, his jacket being roughed up a bit, Phil finally getting his socks and sandals, his hat shape being changed, and his eyebrows being finally visible without the hat lol. And I am very satisfied with how they turned out in the end! They now use a rigify rig, which is neat because all the others used custom ones because before, rigify rigs hurt my brain and heavily confused me. But yeah, I feel like I am going to get some of my other characters eventually, so keep an eye out! Also, if these renders look familliar, you have probably seen them from here lol.